About Nebraska
Nebraska’s Suicide Crisis
Suicide remains a significant public health problem in Nebraska. However, we know suicide is preventable. Often, concern for suicide and behavioral health is not relevant to someone until it directly impacts them or a loved one. This is too late. This plan centers the belief that suicide is everyone’s responsibility, and by utilizing a proactive approach, each of us can play a role in saving lives from suicide.
Fast Facts
We encourage you to review the results of the Nebraska Youth Risk Behavior Survey for a more complete overview of youth mental health in Nebraska.
Learn More
One of NAMI’s main goals is to ensure that people get help early. Since mental health conditions typically begin during childhood, adolescence or young adulthood, we have compiled essential information and resources intended to help young people get the mental health support they need.
Mental health issues can cause changes in thinking, feelings, behavior and physical activity. Did you know Nebraska has a higher than national average for youth suicide? Hear from people who are on the frontlines of providing care and understanding for youth aged 10-24 who struggle with mental health issues that may lead to suicide. Learn practical skills and information to help you recognize signs and symptoms of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts in young adults.